Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some Changes

Hello blog readers! Look at the right side of this blog, and you'll notice some changes to the gadgets. I've added some links, removed some sites that had broken links and added a new section that can provide (hopefully) some helpful information if you are getting downsized or leaving the military. Also, I've changed the Chaplaincy links: I know there are other places that are offering Buddhist chaplaincy programs, but I've only listed the ones (which I know of) that have regional accreditation (with exception of CPE). Accredited degree programs or hours are the only ones that will be accepted for Armed Forces chaplaincy consideration. If there are other programs that have accreditation, please send the link to me. If you know of any other relevant sites you would like to see listed here, that are in keeping with the theme of the blog, also please send them my way!

Namo Amida Butsu

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Buddhist Military Sangha by Jeanette Shin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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