Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Buddhist Chaplain Candidate

Today Venerable Zhen Guan commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Chaplain Candidate program. Venerable Zhen Guan is a monk originally from mainland China and a first year student in the MDIV program. Chaplain (1LT) Christoper Mohr, a December 2011 graduate of the program, administered the oath. Chaplain Candidate (Ens.) Aroon Seeda, current student, held the Vimalakirti Sutra upon which Ven. Zhen Guan swore his oath. Chaplain Candidates (2LTs) Songkran Waiyaka and Niphon Sukuan stood at attention while the oath was administered. Students, friends, and staff looked on to support Ven. Zhen Guan in his aspiration to be of service to the men and women of the U.S. Army.

Thanks to UWEST Buddhist Chaplaincy Club for the info!

(We still need a USAF Buddhist Chaplain Candidate!)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Facebook Buddhist Pages

There are two pages on Facebook, that I am currently aware of, that specifically focus on Buddhists serving in our U.S. Armed Forces:

"Buddhists in the Armed Forces" (an open group)!/groups/106564922724906/

"U.S. Military Buddhists" (a Facebook page)!/usmilitarybuddhists

These are great ways to connect with your fellow Buddhist servicemember, learn about Dharma groups or temples in your location, and having your questions answered about Buddhism and military life. There are many more of us out there than you may assume!
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Buddhist Military Sangha by Jeanette Shin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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